Many people think of working out and building muscles just for the aesthetics part of it–to look good, to look impressive, to look intimidating, and to look tough. However, some people do it for more than just to look good. These people are in it for the health benefits that weight training provides. And if you’ll consider all those benefits, you’ll see that looking good is actually just a bonus. Some of the benefits of muscle building include
· It makes you stronger: If you want to become stronger than you are right now, the best thing to do is to grow muscles, when you become stronger you will be able to do so many things with ease.
· It attracts attention: This is the reason why some people do muscle building, they want to get attracted to the opposite sex.
· It helps to increase your body metabolism: If you want to lose weight, Body Building is a good option because your body fat reduces quickly when you increase your body metabolism rate. You will be able to use up your entire daily calorie intake and use up some of your body fat.
· It gives you confidence; this is what so many people lack: If you are skinny or overweight, you won’t have confidence in yourself but if you build muscles, your confidence will improve.

· It helps you live longer: This is the main reason why people who are above 40 years are very interested in building muscles. It is almost impossible to find a muscle builder who has diabetes and this is a major killer disease. So if you want to protect your body from diseases, grow your muscles to make it stronger.
· Increased Bone Density: Studies have demonstrated that weight-bearing exercises (or strength training) increase bone density and improve bone health thus lessening a person’s risk of suffering from osteoporosis and stress fractures.
With the above advantages of muscle building, you will agree with me that it is good for everyone to participate in body building. Also, make sure you follow a good program or buy a good muscle building product.
If you have been using a product or workout routine for a long time and it is not working, it is better to stop and find a better workout routine.
Some people think that if they stop growing muscles, their muscles will turn to fat, this is not true as muscle and fat are two different things.