The effects of CBD involve numerous health benefits for our body and make cannabidiol an important active ingredient. In this article, let’s discover together what are the effects of cbd and the scientific studies that support the information you are going to read.
CBD and its properties
CBD and its effects are in fact among the great novelties in the scientific panorama of the last decades and thanks to researchers and activists around the world – more and more clarity is being shed on the properties of the hemp plant and cannabidiol, on its benefits and possible side effects.
It is important, also given the novelty of the topic, to provide and disseminate information, always citing which are the authoritative sources to allow readers to evaluate in an informed and conscious way how and whether to take CBD or buy CBD-based products.
The effects of CBD and the endocannabinoid system
The research, in particular, has focused on the study of the mechanisms of interaction between cannabinoids – the active ingredients of the hemp plant – and the endocannabinoid system.
From the studies carried out so far, it has emerged that cannabidiol (CBD), one of the main active principles of hemp, acts on the endocannabinoid system with several benefits and positive effects on our organism.
It is for this reason that cannabidiol (CBD) is increasingly used by people for its ability to calm a state of anxiety or stress. On the other hand, the potential benefits of medical hemp used in the medical field are emerging more and more every day.
How CBD oil interacts with our organism
Cannabidiol does not have a specific action against a particular disease or area of the body. CBD acts as a “modulator” of our endocannabinoid system.
CBD, and cannabinoids in general, act indirectly on the receptors of this system.
Consequently it can be said that CBD modulates already existing mechanisms and restores normality in a situation of imbalance or decompensation in the endocannabinoid system.
Below is a list of effects of cbd and application of cannabidiol, on which scientific research is focusing.
Alleviates pain
Cannabinoids act by inhibiting neuronal transmission in pain pathways. A study published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine found that cannabidiol significantly counteracted chronic inflammatory and neuropathic pain in mice without the use of analgesics.
CBD: anti-inflammatory effects
CBD is a therapeutic agent for a variety of inflammatory disorders and therefore all autoimmune disorders.
The reason lies in the ability of CBD to stimulate the receptors of the endocannabinoid system CB2, identified as the target of the anti-inflammatory action attributed to CBD.
In addition to greatly improving sleep quality and reducing a state of anxiety, cannabidiol can provide relief from joint pain in cases of osteoarthritis.
CBD, effects on schizophrenia
Some scientific researches have shown that CBD produces antipsychotic effects and could have an action profile similar to that of other antipsychotic drugs.
The Cbd: effects on anxiety
Cannabidiol is shown to reduce anxiety in people who are particularly stressed.
A review of the studies conducted so far aimed at verifying the potential effects of CBD in treating a state of anxiety was published in the journal Neuroterapeuthics.
The results are very encouraging. The review examined 49 preclinical, clinical and epidemiological studies; and also included research done with neuroimaging techniques (the technologies that allow the study of brain metabolism).
Effects of cbd on epilepsy symptoms
CBD may be effective in the treatment of epilepsy as demonstrated by several scientific studies. (More info)
Currently, the scientific community supports the use of cannabidiol (CBD) as an adjunctive therapy to standard therapy in children and young people with rare forms of epilepsy, such as Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome, which classically do not respond to treatment.

CBD and neurodegenerative diseases, the effects of cannabidiol
For the moment, the process of neurodegeneration has not yet been fully understood and the diseases that cause it do not have, in fact, a 100% effective cure. On the other hand, we can say that cannabidiol (CBD) is increasingly used by people living with such a health condition.
Improves sleep
Cannabidiol thanks to its neuro-protective potential, based on the combination of its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties could prove useful in combating insomnia.
Sleep latency is ‘measured’ through a test, which takes place an hour and a half to three hours after a night’s sleep, in which the patient, who is in a quiet, darkened room at a constant temperature, is asked to fall asleep four to five times at two-hour intervals.
Helps against acne and psoriasis
Many studies have shown that cannabidiol has great efficacy and benefits for our skin, an element that has caused it to be increasingly used in cosmetics.
The scientific evidence on the benefits of hemp for the skin is getting stronger and stronger. In the same way, the questions on how to take the active principles of hemp – in particular CBD – with the aim of triggering their action on the skin are growing.
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