Is it safe to take CBD oil on an airplane? It depends. Read on to learn the facts about traveling by plane with CBD, so you can be sure you’re not breaking any rules.
A total of 29 states have accepted the use of hemp for medicinal purposes in the U.S., including the nation’s capital, Washington D.C. However, federal regulations still classify hemp as a Category 1 illegal drug, which means that the use of this plant is still surrounded by a number of restrictions. In Europe, legislation varies from country to country, but the most permissive are the Netherlands, Spain and Germany, to name a few.
One of the concerns that hemp smokers have with these restrictions is the possession of hemp while on an airplane. While it may be understandable that the buds themselves raise suspicions, many people wonder what happens to the therapeutic, non-psychoactive CBD oil when it comes to hemp prohibition. In this article, we’re going to delve into the question of transporting CBD on an airplane, giving you some information you should know if you’re thinking about doing so.
Before you decide to take CBD with you on your travels on a whim, it’s important to establish your reasons for doing so. After all, having any form of hemp in your possession could result in you receiving more attention than you would like or even questioning. Most people who choose to vape with CBD do so to have their medicinal supplement on hand.
CBD is used to relieve various aches and pains, and it’s no secret that this cannabinoid is doing well as a legal treatment for health problems of varying levels of severity. As such, many people do not want to forgo their medical treatment when traveling. Beyond this, some people consume CBD precisely to naturally relieve their flying anxiety, without the side effects of drugs such as benzodiazepines.
Whatever the reason, it should be “valid enough” for you to run the risk of exposing yourself to the police in their search for illicit substances. If this is the case, having a good reason to back up your decision could be good for you.

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), along with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), recognize non-psychoactive CBD products. (DEA), along with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), recognizes non-psychoactive CBD products, so when traveling with CBD oil, it should have a THC content of less than 0.3% so as not to cause problems. That said, consumers are advised to purchase their products from reputable companies that have a Certificate of Analysis from a reliable laboratory, explicitly showing the product’s content.
Under U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) regulations, they are required to report any possible violations of the law that they find. But, in most cases, TSA agents tend to let these situations slide, especially if the person in question has some evidence of being a patient using hemp for therapeutic purposes.
To be cautious, it would be safer to buy products that do not mention THC at all. Even if the THC content is less than 0.3%, it may help to avoid suspicion.
In places like the U.S., where many states now approve CBD for medicinal or recreational use, you get the impression that it should be easy to fly from one state to another with your hemp derivatives on you. But, unfortunately, that’s not the case. Even if you fly between two states where it’s legal, such as Oregon to California, it’s still prohibited to carry psychoactive hemp on board, and possessing certain CBD-rich products may also be penalized. International flights are even more complicated.
When crossing borders from one country to another, security measures are often stricter. Governments can easily get involved, which can leave you in a serious situation before the law. Some countries are more tolerant than others, but in certain regions possession of hemp carries serious prison sentences, or even the death penalty. So think carefully about your decision.
This is why it is never recommended to take international flights carrying illegal substances with you, even with a non-psychoactive product like CBD. You can research international laws for yourself, but in general it’s not something worth getting in trouble for.
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